The Principles Of Engineering Materials Barrett Pdf Free
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Lecture notes files. SES # TOPICS SLIDES 1 Introduction to course, content, process, solar energy () Handout () 2 Lab 1: Index of Refraction 3 Case Study 1: An Ethical Engineer () 4 Lab 2: Communications: Oral/Written 5 Lab 3: Measure the Speed of Light 6 Photons, Semiconductors, and Energy () 7 Guest Lecture:, 'History of Boston Transportation, 1630-2007.' () (Courtesy of Frederick Salvucci.
Used with permission.) 8 The Solar Cell Lecture () 9 Guest Lecture:, 'Platforms and Learning Curves.' () (Courtesy of Eugene Fitzgerald. Used with permission.) 10 Guest Lecture:, 'Putting Human Agency Back Into the Equation.' Reading: 'Mechanically Scanned Television,' 'Electronically Scanned Television,' and 'Television Spin-Offs and Redundancies.' Chapters 5-7 in Winston, Brian.
Media Technology and Society: A History from the Telegraph to the Internet. New York, NY: Routledge, 1998.
11 Lab 4: Simulation of Solar Cells 12 Guest Lecture: Prof. Randolph Kirchain, 'Moving Towards Sustainable Materials Use.' () (Courtesy of Randolph Kirchain. Used with permission.) 13 Cultural Differences in Engineering Practice: Introduction to collaboration with University of Tokyo 14 Engineering the Future of Solar Electricity Reading: Slides 15-27 in 'Year 11 Preliminary Engineering Studies Focus Module: Photovoltaic Engineering.' Engineering Studies Package, UNSW School of Photovoltaics & Renewable Energy Engineering, 2010. () 15 Field Trip with Fred Salvucci: Walk the Big Dig 16 Project 1A: Electricity Generation System Constraints () 17 Project 2A: Solar cell materials; assignment of teams 18 Guest Lecture: Prof.